Discovers the rotating field and invents the first alternating current motor
Invents the Tesla coil to study high-frequency alternating current at very high voltages
Proliferation of inventions related to the production and wired distribution of alternating current
Together with Westinghouse, he contributes to install the first AC hydroelectric power plants
Invents radio before Marconi
Invents wireless power transmission
Invents radio-controlled devices
Discovers X-rays before Röntgen
Invents the disc turbine
Is the first to set the principle of radar
Invents the first vertical take-off and landing aircraft
Filed approximately 280 patents, the exact number of his inventions remains undetermined to this day
Is endowed with exceptional intellectual capacities (Mental conception, Photographic memory)
Speaks and writes a dozen languages
Obtains many awards and is made Honorary Doctor of several Universities
Becomes a vegetarian
Is for women’s right to vote
Against the death penalty
Discovers Cosmic radiation before Hess
Discovers Stationary Waves